ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Rectangle Example
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ArcPad Scripting Object Model Reference > ArcPad Scripting Samples > Rectangle Example

Glossary Item Box


Gets the map extent (a Rectangle) and displays information about its properties in a message box.

VBScript Code

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 Sub GetMapExtent
  Dim objExtentRect
  'Get the map extent
  Set objExtentRect = Application.Map.Extent
  'Display the rectangle's information
  MsgBox "Map Extent Geometry:" & VBCr &_
         "Bottom: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Bottom) & VBCr &_
         "Top: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Top) & VBCr &_
         "Left: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Left) & VBCr &_
         "Right: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Right) & VBCr &_
         "Floor: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Floor) & VBCr &_
         "Ceiling: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Ceiling) & VBCr &_
         "Min. Measure: " & CStr(objExtentRect.MinimumMeasure) & VBCr &_
         "Max. Measure: " & CStr(objExtentRect.MaximumMeasure) & VBCr &_
         "Center: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Center.X) & ", " & CStr(objExtentRect.Center.Y) & VBCr &_
         "Map Extent Dimensions:" & VBCr &_
         "Width: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Width) & VBCr &_
         "Height: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Height) & VBCr &_
         "Depth: " & CStr(objExtentRect.Depth) & VBCr &_
         "Measure Range: " & CStr(objExtentRect.MeasureRange) _
         ,vbInformation,"Map Extent"
  Set objExtentRect = Nothing
End Sub
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